The origin of A Pilgrim’s Coffer Theology finds itself in the fundamental desire to not only record, but share sound theological teachings and writings with a broader audience. As we have since branched out to various other avenues and offerings, our mission remains the same ‘of urging the claims of Christ’s cause, of advocating the revival of godliness, of denouncing error, of bearing witness for truth, and of encouraging the labourers in the Lord’s vineyard.’
Our magazine intends to primarily consist of sermons, discourses and expositions, valuable articles, simple tracts, old hymns, and various edifying content, as feasible. A fair portion of the substance may be piecemeal servings of larger works that, accumulated, may present a complete work for the subscriber’s library.
While we are undeniably Baptist and unashamedly Calvinistic, our intent is not, in the least, to discount the joys of unity within the body of Christ [I Cor. xii. 12, 13]; it is our heartfelt intention, and our only genuine means of operation, to share biblical truth with fidelity according to our humble convictions.
May Christ Jesus be proclaimed—crucified, risen, and reigning—above all else, or may the Lord remove our hand from this work; ‘for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!’ If this little offering finds success, may it be in the spiritual and relational lives of believers; in a closer walk with their Master and in a zealous labor for reaching lost and dying sinners.
“Yet one thing we want,
More holiness grant!
For more of thy mind and thy image we pant;
Thine image impress
On thy favourite race;
O fashion and polish thy vessels of grace!
—Augustus Toplady
‘Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve,’ Col. iii. 23, 24.
Each issue includes content such as:
Full Sermons
Sermon Outlines
Biblical Expositions
Historical Articles
Classic Tracts and/or Illustrations
Systematic Theology Study
Antique Hymns
Resources used will be from a broad range of classic materials that are well-deserving of their reprinting, due to their biblical and gospel-centered focus. Much of the content will not be extremely common material, other than the names that may be associated with some of the work; our hope is that much of this will either be ‘new’ to the reader, or else will be worthwhile material to accumulate for one’s library.
We sincerely hope that the physical copies will be used practically for your edification—marked up, highlighted, and notated for personal, educational, and pastoral study.
Digest subscriptions are monthly recurring purchases in which you will receive the current month’s edition at the time of payment; e.g. if you subscribe on the 3rd of June you will receive the June issue when it is released.
When you sign up for the subscription, you should be creating a customer account and log-in; with this account, you can control your subscription and modify/cancel as needed. If you have any specific questions regarding this, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at APilgrimsCoffer@gmail.com.
The day of the month that you sign up for the subscription is the day in each successive month that you will be charged; your order will then be fulfilled soon after (that is, if the issue has gone to print yet—if not, your order will be in queue to be fulfilled immediately upon the issues completion).
Physical copies are mailed USPS first class.
Digital copies will be e-mailed as a PDF file upon order fulfillment, which we will get to as soon as possible. If you don’t receive this e-mail immediately, don’t be overly concerned, as your order is certainly waiting in our shipping queue to fulfill.
Due to our expanding family + current publishing work, we are pausing new Digest subscriptions indefinitely.
We will update via social media, along with this page, when the Digest plans to be resumed.
Thanks so much to all who have supported us in the past; we hope to return to providing great content in the future!
Individual Copies
These individual copies are the same as the monthly issues, but they are offered individually, apart from needing a subscription.
Each physical copy will be printed and mailed out on-demand, using the same shipping method as with the physical subscriptions—USPS first class mail.
Individual digital copies, however, will have immediate access upon purchase. You will receive a download link in your e-mail that is good for at least 24 hours, and upon accessing this link you will be able to download your issues directly.
If you have any issues or problems in receiving your order, please reach out to us directly and we will gladly solve any troubles that may arise.
Digest Reviews & Endorsements
Check out what our Subscribers have to say!
“I love the Pilgrim’s Digest! It is a historical, biblical and reformed magazine that is theologically solid. What makes it stand out over all other Christian periodicals is its unique content. So much of what is in here you cannot find anywhere else. Each issue has old articles (like from the Gospel Magazine or the Baptist Messenger), commentary, sermons, hymns and more! But it is not just the content that makes this magazine great. I also love the layout of the periodical too! From the cover design, font and pictures it is like you are holding onto some ancient document. Church history comes alive with each issue. I highly recommend this periodical to any pastor, seminary student, teacher, church leader, lover of church history or any lay person looking to grow and expand their faith in Christ.”
— Clint Fingerlow, First Baptist Church of Orchard Park
“The value of Bro. Jared’s efforts in publishing the Pilgrim’s Digest cannot be underestimated. While there is a plethora of reformed resources, there is a lack of historic ones which espouse an explicitly Baptist theology today. Besides, the meticulous selection of articles, sermons, tracts, and hymns are utterly unique, pure in their origin, and come affectionately from one who is studied in the literature which he is espousing before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
— Brian Mann, Catherine Lake Baptist Church
“I look forward to receiving the Pilgrim’s Digest every month. It has been a blessing and enrichment to my faith as I read the articles it contains. I really enjoy the inclusion of old hymns of the faith and tracts. The sermons and exposition of Bible passages are well selected. For me it is a remarkable digest containing works from men that I know the names of but have not had much interaction with their published works.”
— Jeff F., North Carolina